Ph.D. student studying programming languages at Purdue University, advised by Ben Delaware. My research involves discovering theoretically principled approaches to practical software engineering problems. I like to fence épée, and I play the piano and violin quite poorly. Formerly Square and elsewhere.

KestRel at the 2023 E-Graphs Workshop

I presented some ongoing work on KestRel at the 2023 E-Graphs workshop at PLDI this year. KestRel is an e-graph based approach for aligning programs for relational verification. An e-graph is saturated with rewrite rules over an algebra of alignments, and desirable alignments are extracted using traditional e-graph techniques combined with a novel data-driven approach.

RHLE: Modular Deductive Verification of Relational ∀∃ Properties

A program logic for proving relational properties with liveness components I developed with Qianchuan Ye, Michael Zhang, and Ben Delaware appeared at APLAS 2022.

Data-Driven Abductive Inference of Library Specifications

Work with Zhe Zhou, Ben Delaware, and Suresh Jagannathan on inferring library specifications by black-box sampling of client behavior appeared at OOPSLA 2021. The accompanying artifact, Elrond, won a distinguished artifact award.

PurPL Seminar: Relational Reasoning with Specifications

I presented some ongoing work on relational verification with specified functions at Purdue’s weekly PurPL seminar. The talk is available on the PurPL website.

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